lost & found super8. camera, edit, and foley by phil jackson. music - "shout" by devo off the E-Z listening album
What's right? What's wrong? And more importantly - what's for dinner? Risking life (literally) and limb (metaphorically) to bring you another exercise in escaping the modern condition. Come trot along through the backyards, alleywaze, ditches, dams, and other waterwaze of the West. SPECIAL GUEST STAR none other than the Duke, Mr. John Wayne himself!!!
sean dahlberg and max palmer at the sideyard a few months back. two janky people skating 1 janky spot in the most janky way possible. it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the jankiest of times.
A summer trip video from my cross country travels with "Jersey" Drew McLaughlin and "That's" John Cruz. Another installment of vagabondage, miscreantism, wanderlust, and chasin the tangled sunsets west. Swim with the dogs in Indiana, jump a bridge in Montana, and take a hot bath outdoors in Washington State. Explore the back alleys of Oakland, cross the salt flats of Utah, and trespass in empty swimming pools in PDX. I gotta admit, I was a little nervous about the idea of riding 7,000 miles in the flatbed of a pickup truck. But ya know, we had a truck cap, and these things have a way of working themselves out.
Newark, NJ to Peak's Island, Maine. Roman candles, bottle rockets and campfires. Eating, sleeping, and bathing outdoors. Vagabondage, miscreantism, wanderlust...oh and some skateboarding too.
as a new years resolution i taught myself final cut…here's my first attempt at editing - an ode to 2012 fragments from a years worth of travels from the marshlands of new jersey to the arizona desert…down by the tracks in PA, behind california schoolyards, interstates, parking lots, but mostly in between. featuring luke koch, joe dirt, brett reed, colin benson, davis campbell, jersey drew, dan vogedes, seth scantlen, rob erickson, brendan klein, and dillon constantine. background props - andy v, nicki jean, colin sussingham, lila lee, and andrew wilson.